Gold Au $2627.64 $28.58
Silver Ag $29.63 $0.41
Platinum Pt $932.79 $1.66
Palladium Pd $935.03 $4.01
Call 215.272-8844

Will trade for your coins

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Written by BobPaulRC
Posted in Latest updates

ATTENTION : Getting ready to move to new site. Will look similar but no new coins have gone up in the last 30 days. All new purchases should be on new site Saturday. Then i will get back to putting up new purchases that will register at the NEW PURCHASES BOX as they are put up not once a week but as put on site.

Coin market firming up nicely with lack of new coins. CHECK NEW PURCHASES ON THIS SITE which INCLUDE COINS BACK from PCGS AND NGC and other consignees

***Working on Web Site for my new project

The New National Standard for Coins

** prices on CCE and this site that end in “9″ are SW stickered ie (269.00)

*** Getting ready for fun Show ***

Dealers, have a want list call me at the show 215 275 4700 Bob Paul

The raw coin section will not be working until later this year, if you need a date let me know, use want list form.